Survey Poecilotheria
Moderátori: Sceptic, bebekexxx, thefox
- Thomas Märklin
- Príspevky: 6
- Dátum registrácie: 18. Januára 2009, 17:42
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Survey Poecilotheria
Thomas Märklin napísal:Hello colleague and colleagues
Thomas Märklin and Thorsten Kroes have established his survey in order
to collect data regarding the quantities of Poecilotheria species in captivity and long term development of care takers stock.
The datas are voluntarly and will be kept exclusively for this survey and not forwarded to third parties. Please quote only the stock specimen, which are kept by you on long term basis, not the specimen which will be given away shortly.
1. Survey Target Date: 31.03.2009 (the following surveys will be every half year)
Please send your names (and the nationality) as well as email ID through which you will get the news letter of this survey with the results. The names will not been published.
Direct accesses: ... rztpd85ssp
Please also distribute this under your friends and in the fora, with that
a broad statement can arise. Thanks.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.
Friendly greetings
Thomas Märklin
- adi
- Príspevky: 2001
- Dátum registrácie: 12. Novembra 2006, 15:39
- Bydlisko: Prešov
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Velmi zaujimave, co na to poviete ? Mne sa to zda byt dobry napad. Som vsak zvedavy na Scepticov nazor, koly dobremu zahranicnemu rozhladu.
Ale moze to byt naozaj prospesne. Napr. koly drancovaniu prirodzenych nalezisk.

Ale moze to byt naozaj prospesne. Napr. koly drancovaniu prirodzenych nalezisk.,
Hadat sa na internete je ako zucastnit sa paralympiady - aj ked vyhras - furt si retardovany.
Hadat sa na internete je ako zucastnit sa paralympiady - aj ked vyhras - furt si retardovany.

- adi
- Príspevky: 2001
- Dátum registrácie: 12. Novembra 2006, 15:39
- Bydlisko: Prešov
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Takze posielame mu maily ?,
Hadat sa na internete je ako zucastnit sa paralympiady - aj ked vyhras - furt si retardovany.
Hadat sa na internete je ako zucastnit sa paralympiady - aj ked vyhras - furt si retardovany.

- adi
- Príspevky: 2001
- Dátum registrácie: 12. Novembra 2006, 15:39
- Bydlisko: Prešov
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Len aby vam nestupla slava do hlavy .....Sceptic napísal:Tento mail davaju na vsetky velke fora co nieco znamenaju. Myslim si, ze je to doveryhodne. Poslite mu co potrebuje a naspat ako ste sa docitali dostanete vysledky.,
Hadat sa na internete je ako zucastnit sa paralympiady - aj ked vyhras - furt si retardovany.
Hadat sa na internete je ako zucastnit sa paralympiady - aj ked vyhras - furt si retardovany.

- Thomas Märklin
- Príspevky: 6
- Dátum registrácie: 18. Januára 2009, 17:42
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
- Thomas Märklin
- Príspevky: 6
- Dátum registrácie: 18. Januára 2009, 17:42
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Hi together
Now, we have make our site translate in slowak: ... e&ie=UTF-8
We hope you can understand.
Till soon.
Thomas Märklin and Thorsten Kroes
Now, we have make our site translate in slowak: ... e&ie=UTF-8
We hope you can understand.
Till soon.
Thomas Märklin and Thorsten Kroes
- adi
- Príspevky: 2001
- Dátum registrácie: 12. Novembra 2006, 15:39
- Bydlisko: Prešov
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Ja nemam neako extra problem s tym ... da sa to dat aj do prekladaca so slusnym vysledkom , ale na tej stranke som nasiel tabulku .... kde som napisal svoj nick teda NAME , a zaskrtol druhy kt. mam doma. Neviem vsak kde sa tam hadze mailova adresa,
Hadat sa na internete je ako zucastnit sa paralympiady - aj ked vyhras - furt si retardovany.
Hadat sa na internete je ako zucastnit sa paralympiady - aj ked vyhras - furt si retardovany.

- Thomas Märklin
- Príspevky: 6
- Dátum registrácie: 18. Januára 2009, 17:42
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Hi Together
1st survey:
134 participants have hers on the 1st survey, deadline 31.03.2009,
were registeredly. It goes survey to the 2nd up to the 30.09.2009 now.
There is it important, that everyone puts down his name from the 1st survey and also many new hobby people sees.
The 1st survey evaluation is published as soon as possible not later than the end of May 2009.
Her far one could write down your inventory on the following link:
Thank you for your help
Till soon.
Best Regards
Thomas Märklin und Thorsten Kroes
1st survey:
134 participants have hers on the 1st survey, deadline 31.03.2009,
were registeredly. It goes survey to the 2nd up to the 30.09.2009 now.
There is it important, that everyone puts down his name from the 1st survey and also many new hobby people sees.
The 1st survey evaluation is published as soon as possible not later than the end of May 2009.
Her far one could write down your inventory on the following link:
Thank you for your help
Till soon.
Best Regards
Thomas Märklin und Thorsten Kroes
- Thomas Märklin
- Príspevky: 6
- Dátum registrácie: 18. Januára 2009, 17:42
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Hi Together
Here den Newsletter 8 with the Survey:
or ... 110809.pdf
Till soon.
Best Regards
Thomas Märklin and Thorsten Kroes
Here den Newsletter 8 with the Survey:
or ... 110809.pdf
Till soon.
Best Regards
Thomas Märklin and Thorsten Kroes
- adi
- Príspevky: 2001
- Dátum registrácie: 12. Novembra 2006, 15:39
- Bydlisko: Prešov
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
To su statistiky z vyskumu chovu poecilotherii v EU ( myslim, ze v iba v eu ... ale niesom isty ...)
Zacni prvym prispevkom ... a daj si to cez google prekladac a mas v pohod e...
Zacni prvym prispevkom ... a daj si to cez google prekladac a mas v pohod e...,
Hadat sa na internete je ako zucastnit sa paralympiady - aj ked vyhras - furt si retardovany.
Hadat sa na internete je ako zucastnit sa paralympiady - aj ked vyhras - furt si retardovany.

- Thomas Märklin
- Príspevky: 6
- Dátum registrácie: 18. Januára 2009, 17:42
- Kontaktovať užívateľa:
Hi together
2nd survey:
89 participants have hers on the 2nd survey, deadline 30.09.2009, were registeredly. It goes survey to the 3rd up to the 31.03.2010 now.
There is it important, that everyone puts down his name from the 1st and 2nd survey again (around the changes) and also many new hobby people sees.
The 2nd survey evaluation is published as soon as possible not later than the end of November 2009.
Her far one could write down your inventory on the following link:
Thank you for your help.
Thomas Märklin und Thorsten Kroes
2nd survey:
89 participants have hers on the 2nd survey, deadline 30.09.2009, were registeredly. It goes survey to the 3rd up to the 31.03.2010 now.
There is it important, that everyone puts down his name from the 1st and 2nd survey again (around the changes) and also many new hobby people sees.
The 2nd survey evaluation is published as soon as possible not later than the end of November 2009.
Her far one could write down your inventory on the following link:
Thank you for your help.
Thomas Märklin und Thorsten Kroes